Mr.G's comments

Here's the list of comments submitted by Mr.G  —  There are currently 23 comments total.
I said it was free to join. There is no charge for anything else unless you want to enter the contest. As far as finding people to leave comments, you just have to keep fishing around and keep looking on the left side of the page for " newest poems". A few will pop up, choose one, read it, then look for the box that says " comment". This is a hard site to get around, not easy to get where you want to go. I can't even find my own " message" box. Plus I hate the fact that if you need to ask them a question, you have to pay a dollar! That really passes me off. I paid the dollar to ask a question and still haven't gotten any response. 

3 months ago

It's just a wonderful way of expressing the stages of life we all go through.

3 months ago

Beautifully written, and a beautiful expression of showing how a love connection is never broken, just because one had to leave this world. You are always connected, till the day you meet again.

3 months ago

That's what I want to hear, I look forward to that. That makes me feel much better.

3 months ago

HI Liz, I'm new also but all you have to do is join which is free, get your own password, then every time you log in, you can submit all the poems you want for free one at a time. As far as the contest, you don't need anything but the $25.00 entry fee for each one. Hope that helps, Jerry 

3 months ago

I knew you would love that, and thanks for the five stars, I appreciate that. Now what I would like to see is poems from you with more of that kind of thought. It will do your heart good to write positive things about uour daughter, and it would make her so happy. Start thinking girl! 

3 months ago

HI Ashleya, so glad you feel that way, proud of you. Last night I added a few more of my poems, one is called " GOING HOME". Search it out and read it, I know you will love it. You can either search by poem name, or Jerry Genovese, or Mr. G. God Bless 

3 months ago

You're so welcome, please try to follow my advice, your daughter might be the one who guided me to your poems to guide you on the right path to healing your pain. God Bless

3 months ago

Ashley, your pain is so heartbreaking, but sounds a little dangerous for your health. You have to know that your daughter would not want you to grieve this badly for her, she would want you to go on with your life and live it to the fullest, and be happy. Yoe will be back with her again in time, but you must complete the mission you were sent here for first. Believe that, and stop putting yourself in a dangerous state, that is the last thing she would want for her mother. Be patient, and live in joy of her memories. 

3 months ago

So sorry for your loss Ashley, well written but sad and heartbreaking. See if you can find a poem I submitted recently called "THE SKY HAS NEW MEANING". I THINK YOU WILL LIKE IT. I HAVE GIVEN COPIES OF THAT POEM OUT TO PEOPLE THAT ARE HURTING FROM THE LOSS OF A LOVED ONE SINCE i WROTE IT FOR MY FATHER WHEN HE DIED IN 1973. I CHANGE THE WORD "FATHER" TO MOTHER, BROTHER OR AS IN YOUR CASE,"DAUGHTER". There's another one I wrote that went along with that one called "GOING HOME", I'll be submitting that one also shortly, I go under the poets' name Jerry Genovese, or you may find it under Mr. G. 

3 months ago

RE: The Mortal Portion--- I love the vision expressed in this poem. Short, to the point, but very clear and visible. Well written

3 months ago

Cleverly written, sounds to me like it was written by an abused wife or girlfriend trapped in a bad relationship and can't get out, because no one will listen. Sad, but makes its point very well.

3 months ago

Beautifully written. Clear, concise, and very easy to understand what the writer was trying to express. The poems' point was unobstructed and to the point, a pleasure for the reader to read. Well done. 

3 months ago

Nicely written. This is the kind of poetry I enjoy reading because you can understand what is being expressed at the same time that you are reading it. It is the same style I write in. I'm sorry, but I just can't appreciate the writings where you have to sit and try to figure out what the hell the writer is trying to tell you. That's work, not enjoyable, flowing poetry. I do not mean to down the other style of writing, I guess I'm just not one of those "sophisticated" people that all agree how great something is when they really don't know what was written. Same thing with modern art, some people call those paintings "genius", I call them " five year olds who got into the paint cabinet", but then again, I guess I'm not "sophisticated", but at least I'm man enough to tell the truth instead of trying to be something I'm not. 

3 months ago

Another beautifully written poem. I feel bad for you, but I am so glad to read your outlook at what lies ahead, that's exactly the way I feel. I have had one encounter with Jesus where He let me feel about 15 seconds of His pure love go right through me. I cannot even put it into words what it felt like except to say that I felt a love like no other in every cell of my body. So God is real, and never doubt that, and that day will definitely come when you will be completely healed. Right now you are fulfilling a mission for Him, so just continue until He calls you home. 

3 months ago

You're not alone Diane. Every person, like myself, who reads your poems, become instant friends with you, I want you to know that. I just joined this club, and submitted my first poem for this month's contest, it's called The Sky Has New Meaning. I hope you get a chance to read it and let me know what you think. I have no idea when it will be able to be read and voted on I have been writing poetry for 65 years and recently got a letter back from Queen Elizabeth for two poems I sent to her when her husband died. I have a collection of that type of letters. My poems are rhyming, but the only one poem I wrote in prose form, took a Silver Poets Award in a big contest, and the one I sent to Queen Elizabeth, I originally wrote for my dad when he died in 1973.. That poem took a sixth place award out of 12,000 entries, made me so happy. By the way, I am 80 years old but thank God feel like I'm 40. Keep writing, you have a beautiful touch, and a heartfelt way of writing. Mr. G 

3 months ago

Very nicely written. Shows beautiful compassion and understanding of the miracles of nature that most people don't even notice.

3 months ago

Nicely written,those stresses are all.part of your life's plan and how you handle them. My philosophy about life is LIFE, Life Is For Education. Every day is just another day in school until you " graduate" and go back home. 

4 months ago

Just read this one, again, very well written Arie, I like your style.

4 months ago

I'm a man Arie, and I commend you on a well written poem of anger. I agree with you totally about all this new progressive garbage, and you expressed it beautifully, keep up the good work. Mr. G

4 months ago

There is no question that Mr. He is an intelligent and very accomplished individual with a very impressive backround. But to be honest, I guess I'm old fashioned, but when I read poetry, I want to see and feel the beauty of the message easily, without having to use a slide rule to figure out what the heck is being said. Please forgive me if this sounds rude, it is not meant to be, but if you ask for comments, I feel I should say what I feel, but that's just my opinion. 

4 months ago

I am brand new to this poets club, and this is my first comment. I have only read a few poems from various authors, and didn't want to leave a comment because I was very surprised at the quality. But this poem is the first one that I feel has serious depth and understanding of the subject matter. I feel it is well written, and enjoyed it. I guess after writing poetry for over 60 years, my standards are high. Keep up the good work Courtnie. Jerry 

4 months ago

Go for it Maria, it probably is a sign so don't let it go unanswered. Good luck. I've been writing for 60 years and have every one I have ever written, my most prized possession. Jerry

4 months ago


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