"The Two Goats" is a fable by Jean de La Fontaine that illustrates the consequences of stubbornness and lack of compromise. The story revolves around two goats who find each other on opposite ends ... | Rate it: | |
The Two Margherita: "We all have our Demons" Contemporary Margherita meets in a church the body of Saint Margherita, who died 800 years ago; in the process of returning to the religion, she believes that happened a process of reincarnation, a... | Rate it: | |
The Two Men and the Treasure is a fable by Jean de La Fontaine that tells the story of two friends who discover buried treasure in a field. Ecstatic, they vow to share it equally. However, as greed... | Rate it: | |
The Two Mules is a fable by Jean de La Fontaine that explores the themes of inequality, power structures, and individual destiny. In the story, two mules are traveling together: one carries food wh... | Rate it: | |
"The Two Old Men" is a short moral tale by Leo Tolstoy that explores themes of friendship, generosity, and the human capacity for kindness. The story revolves around two elderly men who, ... | Rate it: | |
The Two Parrots, the Monarch, and His Son "The Two Parrots, the Monarch, and His Son" by Jean de La Fontaine is a moralistic fable offering lessons in wisdom and virtue. It tells the story of a Monarch who, along with his son, are being ad... | Rate it: | |
"The Two Pigeons" is a poetic fable by Jean de La Fontaine. It explores the themes of love, freedom, wanderlust, and the dangers inherent in exploration. In essence, the story is about two pigeons,... | Rate it: | |
The Two Pots is a fable by Aesop that centers on two pots, one made of brass and the other made of clay. They find themselves floating down a river together, with the clay pot expressing fear that ... | Rate it: | |
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The Two Rats, the Fox, and the Egg The Two Rats, the Fox, and the Egg is a fable by Jean de La Fontaine which revolves around the story of two rats who find an egg and decide to roll it all the way back to their nest. However, on th... | Rate it: | |
"The Two Volodyas" is a short story by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov that explores themes of identity, duality, and the complexities of human relationships. The narrative centers around two characters na... | Rate it: | |
The Ugly Duckling is a classic children's story by Hans Christian Andersen about a cygnet born in a barnyard who is bullied for being different from his siblings, leading him to run away from home.... | Rate it: | |
"The Umbrella" is a short story by Guy de Maupassant that explores themes of chance, desire, and social commentary. The narrative follows a man who, during a rainstorm, encounters a woman who capti... | Rate it: | |
"The Unconquerable" by O. Henry is a short story that centers on themes of resilience and the human spirit. The narrative follows a character who faces insurmountable challenges yet remains undeter... | Rate it: | |
The Understanding of Sister Sara "The Understanding of Sister Sara" is a novella by Lucy Maud Montgomery that delves into themes of love, perception, and the complexities of human relationships. The story revolves around the exper... | Rate it: | |
"The Understudy" by Robert Barr is a satirical novel that explores the world of theater through the experiences of its protagonist, an understudy who grapples with the challenges of ambition, unful... | Rate it: | |
"The Unexpected" is a short story by Jack London that explores themes of survival, human resilience, and the unpredictability of nature. Set against the backdrop of the wilderness, the narrative fo... | Rate it: | |
"The Unforgotten One" by Lucy Maud Montgomery is a poignant tale that explores themes of memory, love, and loss. The story revolves around characters grappling with their past and the lingering imp... | Rate it: | |
"The Ungrateful Guest" is a thought-provoking short story by James Baldwin that explores themes of identity, belonging, and the complexities of gratitude. Through the interactions of its ... | Rate it: | |
"The Ungrateful Soldier" is a powerful short story by James Baldwin that explores themes of identity, race, and the complexities of gratitude in the face of sacrifice. Set against the bac... | Rate it: | |
The Unhappiness of Miss Farquhar "The Unhappiness of Miss Farquhar" is a poignant short story by Lucy Maud Montgomery that delves into the life of a lonely and misunderstood schoolteacher, Miss Farquhar. Set in a small community, ... | Rate it: | |
"The Union Buries Its Dead" is a short story by Australian writer Henry Lawson, published in 1901. Set against the backdrop of a miners' strike, the story explores themes of class struggle, sacrifi... | Rate it: | |
"The Unkindest Blow" by Hector Hugh Munro, also known as Saki, is a short story that showcases the author's trademark wit and satire. In this tale, the plot revolves around themes of social convent... | Rate it: | |
"The Unknown" is a compelling short story by Guy de Maupassant that delves into themes of mystery, existential angst, and the human psyche. The narrative follows an unnamed protagonist who encounte... | Rate it: | |
"The Unknown Quantity" by O. Henry is a charming short story that explores themes of love, chance, and the unpredictability of life. It follows the humorous and poignant encounter between a young m... | Rate it: | |
"The Unrest-Cure" is a satirical short story by Hector Hugh Munro, better known by his pen name, Saki. The story follows the protagonist, Clovis Sangrail, who embarks on a mission to cure the ennui... | Rate it: | |
A Symphony of Hidden Melodies | Rate it: | |
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The Ups and Downs of the Commoners This non-fiction novel tells the life of ordinary commoners in the middle of the 20th century in China, from the series of movements such as "Land Reform", "Great Leap Forward",... | Rate it: | |
The Ups and Downs of the Commoners 2 This book is the second volume of the novel "The Ups and Downs of the Commoners". It will tell you about caused by the disastrous consequences of the "Great Leap Forward" and th... | Rate it: | |
"The Upstart" by Guy de Maupassant is a short story that explores themes of ambition, social status, and the nature of wealth. It follows the journey of a rising man who, through cunning and manipu... | Rate it: | |
The Vain Jackdaw and His Borrowed Feathers "The Vain Jackdaw and His Borrowed Feathers" is a fable by Aesop which imparts a moral lesson about the dangers of vanity and pretense. In the story, a jackdaw, unsatisfied with his plain appearanc... | Rate it: |

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