If your daughter told you book cover

If your daughter told you


Submitted by framing-wiser-0p on July 01, 2024

If Your Daughter told You It was a dark, cold, and chilly night where a hill lied and where two people would meet, they did not know each other, nor that they were not alone. They did not even know how a story would begin to unravel between the two after this day. It began when Ava had a dream of being an author, for reading the most books in the world when she was a young girl. That was of course unrealistic but it wasn't all entirely impossible. She grew up with an abusive father who was always angry and out of control. She never had anyone to talk to about anything because she was an only child and didn't have many friends, so she began to write. It started with a diary and turned into stories she would make up and pretend they were her in her fairytale world when her parents fought. The night on the hill was the same night as her fathers funeral. Ava didn't quite know how to feel but she wasn't feeling bad but more relieved and she felt weird for feeling this way but it was an emotion she had never experienced before. On the other end of the hill was 26 year old Greg Allen, staring into the starry sky with emotions he also didn't quite know how to feel about. Greg had just been diagnosed with stage II kidney cancer. At Ava’s fathers funeral everyone went up with a gathered speech on how good of a person he was and what they had learned from him. When Ava went up for her speech she was silent and although she said nothing, she made a very clear message. Ava felt relief and grief at the same time as she layed on the hill, thinking she was alone with the urge of a scream, so she did. Greg jumped up and looked around and worried, as he looked around he made eye contact with Ava, both with an alarming and rather embarrassed look on their face. When Ava saw Greg, not only was she humiliated at the fact that Greg was so handsome it made her stomach ten times more uneasy. ”Are you okay?” asked greg then said “What are you doing here?”. Ava responded red-faced “I’m okay. I'm so sorry for that I had no idea you were here. And I'm not sure I guess I could ask you the same question.” Greg responded with a curious look on his face and laughed “I honestly need a scream too, don't feel bad and I guess I just like it here because I can think,what I thought to be being alone didn't turn out so but it's fine.” He seemed sarcastic but charming in a way. “You look uneasy, are you okay?” asked Greg, "Why does he even care, she thought to herself and once again, he was so dang charming.``I'm fine even if i wasnt im not sure what you would do anyway so it's none of your concern.” Ava said in a soft but stern tone. “Well you're awfully sassy, I'm not having the best day either.” he said before he swept her into a tight hug and although it was odd and unexpected, they both really needed it. When they finally released each other they just looked into one another's eyes.``What happened to you tonight?”asked Ava. “I was diagnosed with stage II kidney cancer”responded Greg with an unsettled look on his face “What about you?”said Greg “My fathers funeral was today but,i'm not sad at all.''Ava responded. They both realized they had terrible days and in both of their heads they were trying to figure out whos as worst but there wasn't quite an answer.Ava decided it began to get a little awkward and she was tired anyway.She told Greg she was gonna head home and so she did but as soon as she got into her car she realized she didn't get his number. And from then on he was all she could think about 6 months passed and Ava purchased her own shop, it was not at all pretty but she had a vision for it and she was beyond excited,”I OWN FREAKING BOOK SHOP!!”she screamed in joy to her literal echo because there was no one in there but her. Until the dusted up chime made a noise and the door began to open it was a woman probably 24 years old around Ava’s age that walked in, The woman looked nervous and could see the alarmed face on Ava and immediately reassured her “Hi! Im so sorry to bother i saw a need help sign outside and i would love to.”Ava thought to herself and how she forgot to take the old signs from outside out but she did need help so why should she push her away right.”I forgot about that sign completely but actually do really need a helping hand as you can see”as she waved her arms out to the messy shop “Its gonna be a book shop,a bookshop you can go to and just read when you need to get away from the world”ava said with a smile on her face as she imagined everything she wanted to do and how she would decorate.”I would love to help FIRST WE CAN CLEAN!” the woman laughed.”i think that's a good idea”Ava said laughing with her “i'm sorry i didn't get your name what is it?” Ava “Jennifer.”said the woman “Jennifer Allen.” she corrected herself. Avas heart dropped when she said her last name and boldly asked her if she knew Greg Allen because she felt if she didn't she would regret it. “Yes that's my brother..Do you know him?Oh my god i hope he wasnt mean to you i don't need to get fired already. ”Jennifer said in a troubled and worried voice.”This is gonna sound crazy,but I met him on a hill 6 months ago. It was the night of my fathers funeral and we were both not having the best day. He told me he'd been diagnosed with cancer and swept me into a hug. I haven't seen him since that night when i forgot to get his number and there hasn't been a day i haven't thought of him.”The look on jennifer's face was priceless.She didn't know what to say but instead she just said “I have no words,Can you give me a moment?”and she stepped outside.Ava didn't know if she just lost her first work friend or what was going to happen at all.After ten minutes pass she starts to walk to the door to check on jennifer when the door opened before she could and there he was again.The man she couldn't stop thinking about for months was in her sight again and she knew jennifer had called him,She wasn't going to let him get away this time.But before she could say anything he spoke first “I have thought about you every single day since that night and i can't even think at work,I know we dont know each other but i've never connected with someone so much in one night to not talk to the again for six months and still be crazy about you the way i am.” he paused and breathed for a second but again before she could say anything he said “Can i take you out on a date.I wanna do it the right way.” There wasn't even a word for how in shock Ava was.There wasn't a way to explain how she just fell in love ten times more than she already was and this was only the second time she'd spoken to him.”I would love to go on a date with you.Can i have your number?” Ava responded in the calmest way she could trying not to show how she felt so light inside her whole stomach dropped. There was no way in hiding it and she knew she needed to get it out “I have thought about you every single day since that night and have been so upset with myself for not saying anything else or getting your number,I thought i was never going to see you again.”Ava said as she let out a sigh waiting for a response.But instead they just sat there standing,making eye contact until once away he swept her into a tight hug.When they finally let go of eachother he asked “what is this?”At first Ava didn't know if Greg was referring to them or her dusty shop filled with dead bugs.He saw the confusion on his face and repeated his question clearer “What is the shop going to be”She felt a little foolish after that but said “Oh.This is going to be my bookshop,I know its no where near there now but i'm gonna start cleaning today”Greg smiled at her and asked “does that mean you are free for a date tomorrow night?”And once again she felt the butterflies in her stomach compelling herself to not squeal she responded “yes,i would love that.”.The next day came and when Ava was done for the day an locked the shop doors there stood Greg waiting outside of his car motioning her to come and they talked the whole car ride to the restaurant even though they probably should've saved it for the dinner.Although the conversations didnt stop and they had an amazing dinner the question on both of their mines was what comes after this.Greg hit Ava with the most unexpected question “Will you be my girlfriend,i know it's early but i want a future with you Ava i want so much.”Ava didn't know how to respond she felt it was early but at the same time it felt so right. “Yes!Yes!Yes”she screamed in joy although she'd never shown how excited she got over the small things she did this time.Time went on and for the next 5 months Ava and Jennifer made her shop look brand new.Ava and Greg's relationship was the most romantic and heartwarming thing she'd experienced and everything just felt right for her.The time of opening the shop was getting closer and closer and although it looked nice there was still so much to get done.The only thing or person who could take her mind off of the stress was Greg “Can i stay at your place tonight?” Greg asked,And it made Ava realize shed only stayed at his house although he'd come to her apartment many times he never stayed the night.Ava and Greg decided to cook some pasta but greg put the pasta in the oven.He was never cooking again for sure.When he took it out he forgot to get a mit and Ava was laughing so hard not realizing he was upset.Greg swung around and slapped Ava across her face.As soon as his hand came back to him a worry and disbelief with his self expression was on his face,He could barely take in what he just did and in his head he knew he was going to lose her.There was no word to explain the way Ava was feeling and the thoughts that were going on inside her head.She felt like her 13 year old self lying on the floor after her father punched her over and over.The man she loved most and the only man who could get her mind off things like her father just hurt her.Ava got up and walked to her bedroom holding her face as her tears flood her face,Greg tried to follow but when she tried to scream at him she sounded all mumbled And he followed her anyway.Greg began to hold her and Although ava was so angry with him he was the last person she wanted to be around she held him back and it Again felt like the night of her fathers funeral.Ava was getting ready to scream at greg for what he'd done to her when she felt her hands in his hair slowly feeling it falling into her hands.The chemo was making his hair fall out.Although she was so angry with him all her emotions turned to guilt and trying to understand him instead.Ava didn't tell him about his hair as they cried in eachothers arms she said “don't do it again i'm begging you don't.”barley being able to get the words out of her mouth he said nothing but just held her tighter.They both fell asleep and the next morning the mark on her face was gone and they both were more quieter then usual.Greg looked Ava and her eyes and said “I cannot explain to you how guilty i feel and how much i wish i could take it back but i promise you it will never happened again.”As he started to tear up.Ava again thought of her father and pushed the thought off because she knows greg is not like him at all.Greg and Ava had not gotten into a fight since and even if it was small Ava got so scared for it to happen again when he was upset.Around 3 months after Greg,Ava,Jennifer and her husband michael all go to dinner.During the dinner Jennifer says she wants to make an announcement “Me and Micheal have been thinking about this for a while and due to my infertility we have decided to adopt.”Greg and Ava Screamed in joy excited for them,he was finally gonna get to be an uncle.As Ava and Jennifer plan things for the new baby and everything they are excited about Jennifer asked Ava “Do you and Greg plan on having kids?”And the question kind of startled her Greg turned around when he'd heard it too.They both looked at each other because they realized they hadn't really thought or talked about those kind of things yet.”I guess we haven't really talked about that but,i'd liked to be married first”Ava said not expecting michael to respond “What are you guys waiting for?”And the question kind of made her think because she didn't really know either other than the fact she felt it was too early.”What do you mean?”Greg asked michael. “What are you waiting for to get married there is no perfect time if you feel ready just do it.”Micheal responded with a subtle laugh.Greg and Ava looked each other in the eyes and both said “Do you want to get eloped”it was so sudden and Ava didn't know if she was completely sure about but she knew she was sure about him,So they did.Greg and Ava were crazy planning calling parents and getting last minute orders in for the book shop before closing up while they were gone.Greg was worn out from chemo and they left a day later then were supposed to so he could rest so many things got pushed back and was more on them.The small wedding was perfect,Ava always dreamed of a huge wedding but her family few friends wedding turned out to be just right.Ava and Greg's relationship was perfect. Eight months passed before Ava and Greg got into their second fight. The fight was because of greg accusing Ava of flirting with one of her male customers in the book shop.Although Ava would never do anything like that to Greg the night they got home he started screaming at her. Ava never realized she hadn't heard him scream or raise her voice at her before, she begged him to stop and all she could see was her dad screaming at her for forgetting to do something. Her heart skipped a beat when she felt him warm palms push her to the floor in anger.He did it again he promised he wouldnt and he hurt me again she thought to herself.Gregs face once again dropped to guilt knowing what he's done,this time really knowing he was going to lose her. Ava got up without looking Greg in his face because she was just in disbelief. She went to Jennifer’s even though she didn't know how she was going to explain it to her but she didn't know who else to talk to without them hating Greg immediately because of it. Jennifer would listen and shes not gonna hate him since he's her brother of course but that doesn't stop her from being furious with him because she was when Ava walked in her door crying. When Ava talked went to talk to jennifer she told her something she didnt expect at all “give him one last chance he's gonna get weaker because of the chemo and wouldn't even be able to hurt you but if you think he's genuinely sorry give him one last chance and if he does it again,as your friend i will never talk to you again if you go back.”And Ava thought about what she said and decided to listen because she also knew greg had another round of chemo the next day.Ava went home and told greg what would happen if he'd done it again and how heartbroken she was not only the simple fact he laid hands on her but he promised he wouldnt again and he did.Greg was very understanding because he was fully aware of what he did and how wrong it was but the fact he did almost bugged Ava more she thought to herself “then why did he do it.”.Ava knew the only person she was ever gonna be able to talk to it about was Jennifer but for the next 6 months Ava and Greg were once again so good and ava just hoped it wasn't a cycle.Gregs chemo treatments had him restless for months but he had just started to get back on his feet and moving again like normal.Although Ava and greg had been been good for months she was scared for the time of him to be able to be in control again,when he can hurt her.One day when Ava got home from the shop and walked inside she saw a rum bottle on the counter almost empty and she knew it was Greg.When she walked farther into her apartment she saw a box of old photos that had been thrown around everywhere.Her heart dropped when she realized it was things from her memory box.She walked into room scavenging through the things on the floor.She didn't see greg and she grew more and more afraid and knew she had to get out,but when she went to turn around there was Greg standing there with straight anger on his face although everything he found was old.The smell of rum on him was so strong and Ava was just terrified of him.She tried to run away from him but he grabbed her by her shoulders so tight and let one hand off and drew his arm back for a punch.Ava woke up with blood around her but saw Greg nowhere,She knew she had to get to the hospital but she could barely get up with the pain she was in and the fact she remembered nothing after that punch she could barely take in what just happened. Ava wanted to run to Jennifer but it was the same night jennifer and michael got their baby and she didn't want to ruin their day so she went alone to the hospital.When she got there and they asked what happened she told them it was from a car accident because she didn't really know what she was going to do after.When the doctor came in he told her “We can clean up your wounds and you should be okay,the baby is okay.”Avas heart sunk. “No,no,no,no what do you mean baby.”She looked at the doctor in disbelief “You are pregnant ma’am two months along i figured you knew i apologize”the doctor looked at her in guilt under the impression he did something wrong but it was not him at all.Ava sat there in disbelief although the hospital was extremely loud the only thing she could hear was herself in her head simply trying to process everything going on and thinking of what to do next because she had no idea.She felt her phone buzz and it was greg “I know i messed up bad,so bad.Im going to give you space im going to New mexico for the next six months for a job, be safe.For the next three months Ava hid her pregnancy as best as she could because she had no idea still what she was going to do.Forward another three it is the day before Greg comes home and she is very clearly cant hide it eight months pregnant.She told Jennifer everything that happened and over the months they put together the babies room and jennifer had not talked to Greg since.Ava also told her mother and She realized that was the one person who understood her most because of her mom being abused by her dad her entire childhood her mother knew exactly how she felt and how hard it was to leave.A couple months back she also found out it was a girl but regarding how happy she was it was beyond a mix of emotions and Greg coming back meant he was going to find out about it and she had no idea what he was going to say.When greg walked in it was unexpected and ava's entire stomach was out.He dropped his bags in disbelief and fell into tears pleading how terribly sorry he was in fear he was not going to be a part of the child's life and Ava wasn't quite sure if she did want him in her life but she felt like the fight wa happening all over again when she saw him she now did not feel comfort but just fear.”the baby is due in 4 weeks i'm sorry i didn't tell you but trust me i've been through it way worse than you.”she told him in a way you could tell she immediately thought she was going to have to defend herself around him.”I understand and i am sorry i know you dont believe but i will prove it and i want to be in this babys life i don't want to argue at all Ava,These past six months i have grew so much and i know you may not want to be with me but please let me be in my child's life. ”Greg said. So they talked and Ava told him how the baby was a girl and the smile on his face was priceless.Ava and Greg both expressed how they felt and when he brought up if she was going to divorce him all she asked was “If your daughter told you her boyfriend slapped her what would you tell her.If your daughter told you her boyfriend pushed her into the ground. ”she cried”if your daughter told you her boyfriend beat her till she was bruised and bloody.What would you tell her?”. Greg's eyes teared up and didn't and couldn't stop and in a sobbing speech he said “i would beg her to leave him '' .And there was his answer. The end.
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Olivia Larkin

I have never believed in my writing enough to even submit to a short story contest like this but I decided to go for it.Im just a teenage girl hoping to hear someone may like what I write.If someone hasn’t told you to go for it,go for it. more…

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