Co-Parenting Chapter 1- A Week Before Thanksgiving
Mom: Hi, I'm Vanessa Wilson. I have 4 kids with my ex-husband Jason we co parent together. I work for Didlake I am a supervisor. I work 8:00 to 3:00. Kendall is 11 years old. She is in the 5th grade at Ellis Elementary School. She loves school and hanging out with her friends. She loves being outside it doesn't matter if it is hot or cold. Kenji is 10 years old. He is in the 4th grade at Ellis Elementary School. He likes some things in school, but he doesn't complain about it. He likes being with his friends. Camden is 7 years old. He is in the 1st grade at Ellis Elementary School. He likes going to school. Cora is 7 years old. She is in the 1st grade at Ellis Elementary School. She has fun going to school and having fun in class. She likes being outside likes to learn. He loves playing outside.
- Year:
- 2025
Monday morning and it is 5:00 in the morning the alarm clock goes off. Vanessa turns off the alarm clock. And Miles and Zoey start purring and rubbing on her. Vanessa: Good morning, Miles rubs him. Good morning, Zoey girl and rubs her. Vanessa gets up makes up the bed Zoey plays with the covers and Miles looks at her on the pillow. Then Vanessa goes into the bathroom and starts to get ready and uses the bathroom brushes her hair then gets dressed for work. 15 minutes later Vanessa is ready turns off the lights then gets the cats off the bed and walks out of her bedroom and takes the cats downstairs and shuts her bedroom door. Vanessa: Let's go downstairs are you hungry. The cats go downstairs and follows Vanessa into the kitchen. Vanessa turns on the light in the hallway and the living room then gets to the kitchen and turns on the light and puts her stuff down. Vanessa starts making Zoey and Miles breakfast. They start rubbing their bodies on her. Vanessa: Hang on babies I am getting your food ready. Then Vanessa puts down their dishes in different areas of the kitchen to separate them and give them space. Then gives them fresh water then fills up their food dish, so they have food before she leaves for work, and washes her hands. Then gets her lunch ready and water bottle ready places them in the car and puts her heavy coat in the car. Then it is 6:00 in the morning and the kids alarm clocks go off they turn it off and lay in the bed for a few minutes. Vanessa: Kendall, Cora, Kenji and Camden are you guys up and getting ready for school Vanessa walks up the stairs goes into the girls room first. Vanessa: Girls are you up and walks into their room the girls were making their beds. Cora: I am up mommy. Kendall: I'm up to. Vanessa: Good job thanks for making your beds. Get dress and brush your hair the eggs are almost done. Kendall: Yes ma'am. Cora: Yes mom. Vanessa: Boys are you up and walks into their room. Kenji: We are up getting dressed. Vanessa: OK hurry up the eggs are almost done don't forget to comb your hair I see you made up the beds great job. Kenji: OK. Vanessa walks downstairs and finishes making the eggs. Cora: Kendall, can you braid my hair. Kendall: Yes, I can do that let me finish putting up my hair. The boys go downstairs and walks to the kitchen. Kenji: Hi Zoey, what are you doing on the stairs. Zoey slaps the boys' legs and runs downstairs. Camden: Zoey you are funny. Vanessa: Girls let's go time to eat please. Kendall: We are coming in a minute I am doing Cora's hair. Vanessa: Hurry up. Kendall: There you go sweetie. Cora: Thank you I like it. Kendall: You are welcome come on before mom throws a fit. The girls come out of their room turns off the light and shuts the door. Kendall: Mom is Mile's downstairs. Vanessa: Yes, he is. The boys are done eating their food and had their milk. Vanessa: Boys clean up your mess and go brush your teeth and put your shoes on and backpacks in the car. The boys did as they were told. Cora: Mama like my hair. Vanessa: Very pretty I love it. Kendall: I did it for her. Vanessa: That was nice of her did you tell her thank you. Cora: I did say thank you. Vanessa: Good now let's eat it is getting close to leaving for school today. Camden: I brushed my teeth mommy. Vanessa: Let me see. Looks good. Get your water bottles and put them in your backpacks to. Camden just put his in his backpack and Kenji. They took their backpacks to the car. Kenji: Mom, can I sit in the front. Vanessa: Yes, you can and on the way home it is Kendall's turn. Kenji: Yes Ma'am. The girls finished their food and drinks. Kendall took care of the dishes this morning. Vanessa: Cora go brush your teeth and let me see when you are done. Cora: OK. Kenji: Mom, I put Cora's water bottle in her backpack for her and put it in the car for her. Vanessa: Thank you, Buddy that was nice of you. Kendall went to put her shoes on and put her water bottle in her backpack then put it in the car walked to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. Vanessa: Kendall did you brush your teeth yet. Kendall: I am right now. Cora: Mom I am done brushing my teeth. Vanessa: Let me see. Go give me the toothbrush you didn't do your side right. Cora grabbed her toothbrush and put the toothpaste on it and gave it to Vanessa and she brushed her teeth for her. Vanessa went to brush her teeth really quick. Vanessa: Kids get in the car I will be out there in a minute. The kids walked to the car. Vanessa was done brushing her teeth and re filled the cat's food dish. Vanessa: Bye Miles, Bye Zoey. It's 7:00 right on time and Vanessa starts taking the kids to school. 15 minutes later got to the school parking lot got into line to let the kids out. 10 minutes later got to the front and let the kids out gave kisses. Vanessa: Bye kids love you have a good day see you after school. The kids all said bye and walked into the school. Vanessa drives off and drives to work. 7:50 and Vanessa gets to work and parks her car into the back and gets her stuff out of the truck and locks the car up and walks to the work building and walks to her office. Vanessa turns on the light puts her stuff down and turns the computer on. Clocks in and heads to the kitchen to put her lunch and water bottle away in the fridge makes some coffee. Goes back to the office and signs in the computer and finds lessons for the day and writes on the board. Pulls out the timecards and places them on the desk for everyone and puts a pen with their time cards. The lesson for the day is about managing money. Finds some worksheets and YouTube videos on it. It is 8:20 and Elijah walks in the room. Vanessa: Good morning, Eli. Elijah: Morning and starts to unpack and put his lunch in the fridge and fix his water. Sammy walks in. Vanessa: Morning Ms. Vanessa. Vanessa: Good morning, Sammy. how was your weekend. Sam: It was good and starts to get ready and puts his lunch away and gets his water ready. Zack was in the room. Vanessa: Morning Zack. Zack: Morning and gets ready and puts his lunch in the fridge and put his water in the fridge. Jake and Mark Walk in the room. Vanessa: Good morning, Mark and Jake. Jake and Mark: Good morning and they get ready fix their waters and put their lunches in the fridge. Robert walks in the room. Robert: Hi Vanessa. Vanessa: Hey Robert. Robert gets ready and puts his lunch in the fridge and gets his water drink and snack together. Vanessa: Robert, can you swipe in. 9:30 came around and they clock in and head to the van to go out to work they come back at 12:15 changed clothes then washed their hands and start to eat lunch. Its 1:00 and they start the lesson for the day for an hour. Then they have quiet time at 2:00 and Vanessa starts her notes. Vanessa: Robert is 15 minutes you can leave and clock out. Robert: Clock out. Vanessa: In 15 minutes OK. Robert: Yes. 15 minutes later it's time for Robert to leave. Vanessa: OK Robert clock out bud and I will walk you out to your van. Boys start packing up please. Vanessa walks Robert out to his van. Vanessa: Bye Robert see you tomorrow. Robert: 2 pieces of candy bye see you tomorrow. Vanessa: 2 pieces of candy that's it. Vanessa walks back to the room. Sammy you can clock out your ride is here bud. Come on all of you clock out it is almost 2:30. The boys clock out and grabs their stuff and starts to walk to the front and Sammy goes out to his van. Sammy: Bye see you tomorrow. The boys say bye. Vanessa: Bye Sam see you in the morning. Zack's ride pulls up. Zack: Bye see you in the morning. Eli's ride comes and then Jake and Mark's ride comes behind Eli's. Vanessa: Go ahead boys have a goodnight see you in the morning. They all said bye and walked to their vans then Vanessa walks to the office and finishes her notes and clocks out at 3:00 grabs her stuff turns off the computer and turns off the lights and heads to her car. Starts her car up and drives to the school to pick up the kids. 20 minutes later Vanessa gets to the school and the kids are coming out from the school. Vanessa: Hey kids how was your day. Kenny you can sit up front Kenji was in the front this morning. Cora: Mom am I blondie. Vanessa: Yes, why do you want to know. Cora: Someone said white hair and blondie are stupid. Vanessa: Well, that isn't true it makes you just silly and I love your hair. Cora: OK. Kenji: Mom, do we go to school next week. Vanessa: Yes, just Monday and Tuesday. Why do you ask. Kenji: We are having Thanksgiving lunch and need 5 dollars. Vanessa: OK I will give you the money on Monday I got the paper last Friday that was the note that was sent by your teacher. Kenji: OK just asking. Kendall: We are starting to practice are Christmas winter concert today. Vanessa: That is awesome honey. Camden: I got an award today for being helpful today in my classroom. Vanessa: That is wonderful Cam I am happy for you. They pulled up to the house and opens the garage door and pulls in. Vanessa: Let me close the garage door before we go inside so the cats don't run outside. Then the garage door closes, and the kids start to open the car doors and get out and walks inside. The kids unload and put their stuff away Vanessa gives Miles and Zoey a treat washes her hands. Then unpacks her stuff and starts dinner. Vanessa: Do you have homework. Kendall: I just have math. Kenji: I have to do write a poem. Cora: No homework. Camden: No, I don't have homework. Vanessa: Get your homework done and I want to see your charts please. The kids show their charts. Camden: What are we having for dinner. Vanessa: We are going to have Hamburger Helper with green beans. Cora: Yummy. Can I go outside. Camden: Me to I want to go outside. Vanessa: Yes, you can stay by the house and not to long it is cold outside. The kids grab their coats hats and gloves and goes outside. Kenji and Kendall finish their homework, and they put their homework. Vanessa: Let me check your homework. And Kenji set the table please just forks and drinks. And Kendall tells your brother and sister to come inside and wash their hands it's time to eat dinner. Vanessa checks their homework. Kendall goes outside to tell Cora and Camden it is time to come inside for dinner. Kenji starts putting out the napkins, forks and drinks in the cups and puts them on the time. Everyone is inside. Vanessa feeds Miles and Zoey their dinner before they eat and washes her hands then starts putting the food on plates and setting them on the table. Everyone sits down and says Grace before eating dinner. 15 minutes later everyone is done eating. Vanessa: Kendall, you get to clean the table and counters. Kenji you get to do the dishes. Camden you sweep the floor. Vanessa: Cora you can go upstairs and take a bath. And Camden you can take a bath after you sweep the floor. Then Kenji and Kendall after you are done you can take a shower. Kenji and Kendall: OK mom. Vanessa went upstairs to go get PJ'S ready and put them in her bathroom. Got her clothes out for tomorrow. Cora is done taking her bath and got her jammies on. Cora: Mama, I need help brushing my hair. Vanessa: I am in my room come here and I will brush your hair. Cora went to Vanessa's room and Vanessa brushed her hair for her. Vanessa: OK here you go you can go on your tablet for a little bit. Cora: Yay and walked out of Vanessa's room. Camden just out of the bath and needed help with his hair. Camden: Mom, I need help. Vanessa: I am in my room. Camden walks in Vanessa's room. Camden: I need help brushing my hair. Vanessa brushed Camden's hair. Vanessa: Here you go and you can go on your tablet for a little bit. Camden: OK and walks to his room. Vanessa starts to take a shower. 15 minutes later Vanessa is done taking a shower and getting dressed in her pajamas and brushes her hair. Vanessa walks out of her room and the cats follow. Vanessa walks to the kid's bedroom. Vanessa: Boys it's time to brush your teeth please. Camden: 5 more minutes mom. Vanessa: No Camden it is almost bedtime, and you have school tomorrow and practice. Vanessa and get your sport bag together and extra clothes and put them in the car. Vanessa walks to the girls room. Vanessa: Girls it is time to brush your teeth. And get your sport bag together with extra clothes and put them in the car please. Vanessa walked downstairs and got lunch ready and water bottle. Then fixed the kids water bottles ready. The kids come downstairs and put their sport bags in the car. Vanessa: Get some water so you can take it upstairs, and I will tuck you guys in bed in a minute. Camden and Cora, I got yours ready go upstairs I will be in a minute. Vanessa went upstairs and tucked the kids in put the nightlights on and shut the curtains. Hugs and kisses put their covers on them turned off the lights shuts the door and walks downstairs. Vanessa watches TV for an hour and plays with the cats. Then at 9:00 Vanessa fixes the cats food for the night. 15 minutes they were done picked up the bowls washes her hands. Picks up Zoey and turns off the TV and lights downstairs and calls Miles to go upstairs to her room turns on the light shuts the door. Turns the TV on and bathroom light on then leaves the room and checks on the kids and goes back to her room. Brushes her teeth fills up the cat's water dishes. Goes to the bathroom turns off the light and puts the tv volume on number 5 gets in the bed Miles jumps on the bed and gets comfy Zoey is playing on the floor with her toy. And Vanessa goes to sleep.
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