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Submitted Books 10 total
AN OCEAN OF SOULS : ALEXIS KARPOUZOSThe poetry of Alexis karpouzos speak to the human experience from a universal perspective, transcending all religions, cultural and national boundaries. His Poetry is a... | 440 Views added 3 years ago | Rating |
INVISIBLE TOUCH - ALEXIS KARPOUZOSAlexis Karpouzos' thought is a poetic metaphysics. His philosophical and spiritual thoughts transcend all limits of language, culture, and nationality. In his writings, the poet... | 721 Views added 3 years ago | Rating |
UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS - ALEXIS KARPOUZOSPresents a revolutionary new paradigm of Cosmic Thought that bridges the divide between science and spirituality. Discloses the ramifications of non-localized consciousness and... | 899 Views added 3 years ago | Rating |
NON-DUALITY - ALEXIS KARPOUZOSThe spiritual experience of oneness conduces to the same insight as reasoning through science. Both convey the insight of fundamental interconnection between ourselves, other... | 680 Views added 3 years ago | Rating |
COSMOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY AND PHYSICS - ALEXIS KARPOUZOSIf physics leads us today to a world view which is essentially holistic, it returns, in a way, to its beginning, 2,500 years ago. It is interesting to follow the evolution of... | 580 Views added 3 years ago | Rating |
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